Overall Objectives
Research Program
Application Domains
Highlights of the Year
New Software and Platforms
New Results
Partnerships and Cooperations
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Section: New Software and Platforms


Keywords: Security - Verification - Cryptographic protocol

Functional Description: ProVerif is an automatic security protocol verifier in the symbolic model (so called Dolev-Yao model). In this model, cryptographic primitives are considered as black boxes. This protocol verifier is based on an abstract representation of the protocol by Horn clauses. Its main features are:

It can verify various security properties (secrecy, authentication, process equivalences).

It can handle many different cryptographic primitives, specified as rewrite rules or as equations.

It can handle an unbounded number of sessions of the protocol (even in parallel) and an unbounded message space.

News Of The Year: Marc Sylvestre improved the display of attacks, in particular by showing the computations performed by the attacker to obtain the messages sent in the attack, and by explaining why the found trace breaks the considered security property. He also developed an interactive simulator that allows the user to run the protocol step by step. We also made several case studies using this tool (Signal, TLS 1.3 Draft 18, ARINC 823 avionic protocol).